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Cassandra - CQL 데이터 타입

출처 : http://www.datastax.com/docs/1.2/cql_cli/cql_data_types

CQL TypeConstantsDescription
asciistringsUS-ASCII character string
bigintintegers64-bit signed long
blobblobsArbitrary bytes (no validation), expressed as hexadecimal
booleanbooleanstrue or false
counterintegersDistributed counter value (64-bit long)
decimalintegers, floatsVariable-precision decimal
doubleintegers64-bit IEEE-754 floating point
floatintegers, floats32-bit IEEE-754 floating point
inetstringsIP address string in IPv4 or IPv6 format [1]
intintegers32-bit signed integer
listn/aA collection of one or more ordered elements
mapn/aA collection of one or more timestamp, value pairs
setn/aA collection of one or more elements
textstringsUTF-8 encoded string
timestampintegers, stringsDate plus time, encoded as 8 bytes since epoch
uuiduuidsA UUID in standard UUID format
timeuuiduuidsType 1 UUID only (CQL 3)
varcharstringsUTF-8 encoded string
varintintegersArbitrary-precision integer

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